Perfecto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like Herobrine or something made this.
Perfecto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like Herobrine or something made this.
It's really erie and creepy and scary, like a slightly twisted lullaby.
This sounds like something you would put on a memoir for somebody or something like a place that you loved and miss.
I'm ten years old and my favorite song is coffin dance, even though it's a dead meme:(, but still, it's a great song and is a slight bit cringey when I watch the video of coffin dance:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
I love it, also,why with the star trek?
Sorry I accidentally rated
Wow, probably your longest author description, this is a cause for celebration 🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉 come to the party at 12132,84th avenue, Seminole Florida!!!! Wherever you live, please don't go there
Hey waterflame, this song is now also In geometry dash lite and geometry dash! probably in all of the others to!!! Also a lot of your other songs are in the geometry dash games to!!!!
Great song, not exactly a five star but definitely a four and 1/4(if ng had a one fourth of a star)
I will do codeing when older,am a (terrible) song creator, and love fnaf, please recommend fnaf songs (THAT DO NOT HAVE CUSSING IN IT!!!!!!!!) for me to sing ---- i made this when I made my account, I can't anymore, I can't make music anymore, sorry, bye
Coding currently art
School, it's not really cool
Greer SC
Joined on 10/10/22