Noice, you could total show this to scholastic, and they might accept it, and make it a book.
Noice, you could total show this to scholastic, and they might accept it, and make it a book.
Ohh, what is scholastic?
Ich bin verwirrt
Nice, hey shang xian, who did you make?
Hey!!! I was in this collab, that's funny, I made sonny staberson, I had no idea you were in it too, cool
Edit: I will too, I also made "you missed, death"
I loved that collab, it was cute, funny and adorable. I like to make more family-friendly Halloween pieces like this one and this collab gave me occasion to explore this territory plus I made a new character and I had a fun excuse to work on hybrid creatures.
Glad you had fun^^
I saw your creation, it has an interesting design and the white colour highlight the overall design of the monster, plus nice name.
I hope to participate in this collab next year if I'm not busy.
Huuuuuh, ok (911 what's your emergency)
Nice, hope they will continue the show, it's good, also, love the last one
Team frenchness
An absolute work of art
I will do codeing when older,am a (terrible) song creator, and love fnaf, please recommend fnaf songs (THAT DO NOT HAVE CUSSING IN IT!!!!!!!!) for me to sing ---- i made this when I made my account, I can't anymore, I can't make music anymore, sorry, bye
Coding currently art
School, it's not really cool
Greer SC
Joined on 10/10/22